yesterday, March 20th 2009, I started to ride my BIKE to go to schooL.
It was the first experience for me, but It wasn't make me felt down.
I was really enjoy my trip although there were many peoples eye catched to me =D, I didn't care about it, If you know the sacrifice isn't a little for the first.
alhamdulillah, I could reach 3 SHS on time, yeah I could beat them!!!
I got to my class, How surprise my friends looked at me wearing a set of BIKE's uniform!!hhahaha..., many comments came, they thought that It was the silly thing, but like as the first, " I didn't care paLs"...=)
Fortunately, Baskoro Lokahita, did the same like as usual, and so I thought that I wasn't the silliest ones for that daY.
I could learn more from him, actually from his bravery.
On the trip to the same way to back home, around 1 p.m noon, we were ride our BIKE together.We could learn from each other between us I thought.
So, that day was end, It was the amazeous daY, the unforgottable moment I think.
now, I dreams for the next experience is coming soon.....
e n j o y everything that I do is my passion, I'll interest my activity since It stills relation on my hobbies.
To persuade all of you, let's take your BIKE, and RIDE it !
It can solves the pollution a little.